Top 10 Perennial Flowers for Shade
Shadows won’t stop these blooms from shining bright in your garden! Here are our top picks for perennial flowers for shade.
Top 10 Shade Garden Ground Cover Plants to Grow
Too much shade? No problem! We found shade ground cover plants that are perfect for every type of garden and...
Grow Caladium Plants for Shade Garden Interest
Whether you choose caladium varieties with cool white leaves or brilliant reds and pinks, their foliage adds a real pop...
Lungwort (Pulmonaria) Flower Care and Growing Tips
A pollinator pleaser and delight for shady, moist areas, here's how to successfully care for lungwort (Pulmonaria) in your garden.
Plant Brunnera Jack Frost in a Shady Spot
If you're tired of hostas and want an eye-catching, easy-to-grow foliage plant for your shady areas, try brunnera Jack Frost.
Begonia Care: What You Need to Know
Begonia care is easier than you think. The glamorous flowers of double begonias make a real splash in a flower...
Top 15 Colorful Coleus Varieties to Grow
These colorful coleus varieties will brighten up any garden bed or container. Look for bold textures, colors and shapes.
Grow Foolproof Ferns in Your Shade Garden
Shine a spotlight on these shade-happy plants. Check out how to grow and care for ferns, plus get picks for...
Top 10 All-Time Shade Garden Ideas
Is your backyard starved for sunshine? Turn your outdoor space into an oasis with these tried-and-true shade garden ideas.
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How to Grow and Care for Hostas
Shade-loving hostas add lushness, color and volume to your garden. Follow these tips for getting the most out of landscaping...
Grow Buttonbush to Attract Butterflies and Pollinators
Buttonbush is a native plant with many benefits for pollinators. This flowering shrub is a perfect pick for that wet...
Grow New Guinea Impatiens for Color in Shade
Bright blooms set off by distinctive foliage make New Guinea impatiens ideal for any garden. Plus they can be grown...
Top 10 Shrubs for Shade Gardens
Don't let your shady yard stop you from having a lively landscape. Jazz up your yard with our list of...
Top 10 Best Houseplants for Low Light
No sunlight, no problem! We recommend some of the best houseplants for low light growing conditions or rooms with indirect...
Top 10 Shade Tolerant Coral Bells Varieties
Discover why these fabulous, easy to grow, shade tolerant coral bells varieties are some of the best-kept secrets in the...
The Best Shade Garden Plants for Your Shady Areas
Gardeners are not doomed to boring, colorless garden plants for shady areas. Shade plants are more colorful and interesting than...
Top 10 Hummingbird Plants That Grow in Shade
You can attract hummingbirds even in a spot with little sun. It's easy, just plant these 10 hummingbird plants for...
The Best Types of Evergreen Trees and How to Care for Them
Choose the best type of evergreen tree or shrub for your yard and learn how to keep it healthy. These...
11 Easy-to-Grow Plants to Add Color to Your Shade Garden
No matter what the situation, nature provides. Take shade, for instance. These 11 shade garden plants take varying amounts of...
Best Container Plants for Shade Gardens
Fill your planters and hanging baskets with these easy to grow, colorful container plants and flowers for shade gardens.
4 Reasons To Grow Coleus
Find out why coleus was named the annual of the year by the National Garden Bureau and why you should...
33 Easy Ideas for Shade Gardens
Liven up your shady spaces with these shade garden ideas.