hibiscus careCourtesy Jennifer Metzenbauer
Hollywood hibiscus ‘Chatty Cathy’

Some plants have tiny subtle flowers, so small and hidden you have to seek them out to enjoy them amidst the foliage. Hibiscus is not one of these plants. The flowers of hibiscus are big, brilliant, and show-stopping. They draw the eye (and hummingbirds) with large petals, fancy centers, and vibrant colors. There’s nothing subtle about hibiscus—and that’s probably why so many people love these flowers. Here’s what you need to know about hibiscus care, outdoors and indoors.

Grow tropical plants for a lush outdoor oasis,

Hibiscus Varieties

43644hibiscusrosasinensis13008jazzy Jewelruby 5096Courtesy Monrovia by DoreenWynja.com photography
Jazzy Jewel Ruby Hibiscus

Hibiscus is part of the mallow family (Malvaceae). The genus Hibiscus is native to tropical and temperate regions around the world and contains several hundred species, including the popular rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus).

But when most people think of hibiscus, they think of the many varieties of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, grown in tropical regions around the world (though native to Asia). This hibiscus has been bred to a variety of cultivars with stunning colors and color blends, some with double flowers, and it seems that new varieties are always popping up to collect and grow.

Try the Jazzy Jewel Hibiscus series from Monrovia. Long-lasting blooms add a touch of the tropics to gardens in hot climates. Or if you live in a colder region, grow these frost-tender gems in a large pot on a patio. The huge red flowers on Jazzy Jewel Ruby lure hummingbirds in, and the sweet treat keeps them coming back for more. Butterflies may stop by these flowers, as well. Also look for Jazzy Jewel Opal, Gold and Amber.

  • Jazzy Jewel Ruby Hibiscus
  • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
  • Zones: 9 to 11
  • Attracts: hummingbirds, bees, butterflies
  • Light needs: Full sun
  • Size: 4 to 5 feet tall and wide
  • Grown for: Bright red, showy blooms that work well in homemade bouquets
  • Foliage: Glossy green leaves
  • Water needs: Water weekly or more often in extreme heat, or when grown in a container.

Hibiscus Care Outdoors

Ruby-throated hummingbirdCourtesy Mike Bond
Female ruby-throated hummingbird at a hibiscus flower

Give hibiscus as much sun as possible, and plenty of room to grow. In zones 9 to 11, hibiscus is fairly drought-tolerant once established, though it may not flower as often during dry spells. Plant it in well-draining soil and prune only once or twice per year. Hibiscus blooms on new growth, so don’t prune constantly or you’ll never see any flowers.

Outdoors, protect your hibiscus from a day or two of frost or freezes by covering with a sheet or frost cloth.

Grow bougainvillea for tropical color in any garden.

Hibiscus Insect Pests

Hibiscus can be bothered occasionally by white fly or aphids. Remove these pests with a hard blast from your garden hose, or spray with an insecticidal oil.

Coppery green Japanese beetles also feed on hibiscus. Knock them into a can of soapy water or use a small hand-held vacuum to remove them.

Hibiscus With Frost Damage

“Should I cut back a hibiscus plant that’s been hit by a frost?” asks Birds & Blooms reader Linda Howard of Lexington, South Carolina.

Gardening expert Melinda Myers says, “If you are growing a hardy hibiscus like one of the cultivars of Hibiscus coccineus or Hibiscus moscheutos, consider leaving the plant. Some of the lower leaves may still be green and producing energy to help the plant thrive. Consider leaving the dormant stems standing in the garden for winter and do your pruning in spring.

No matter when you prune, leave some of the stems intact to serve as a placeholder in the garden. Since these plants are late to emerge in spring, it is easy to accidentally damage them while doing a bit of spring cleanup.

If you are growing the tropical hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) that is moved indoors for winter where it isn’t hardy, wait to see what was damaged by the frost. The frost may have just damaged the leaves, but the stems survived and will sprout new growth. Prune off just the parts of the stems that were damaged.”

Psst—here’s how to find your first and last frost dates.

Hibiscus Care Indoors

Growing HibiscusJill Staake
Bring tropical hibiscus indoors before the first frost.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is a tropical plant and can’t tolerate freezing temperatures. That doesn’t mean that growing hibiscus is limited to folks in California and Florida, though. Hibiscus does very well planted in large pots that can be brought outdoors for the summer months, and then moved back inside when temperatures begin to fall.

Hibiscus is a shrub, and can get unwieldy in smaller spaces. Prune it as needed. If growing hibiscus indoors, fertilize once a month or so.

Don’t expect much in the way of flowers in the winter. However, these shrubs can produce blooms year-round with enough bright sunlight. The sight of a large hibiscus flower indoors when the ground outdoors is covered with snow is downright thrilling. Keep soil moist, but not wet, for best flowering.

Next, learn how to grow tropical plumeria flowers (frangipani).

About the Expert

Melinda Myers is the official gardening expert for Birds & Blooms. She is a TV/radio host, author and columnist who has written more than 20 gardening books. Melinda earned a master’s degree in horticulture from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.