Angelonia is commonly known as summer snapdragon. Grown as a perennial in warmer climates, it is native to Mexico and the West Indies and earned its name because it’s more heat and drought tolerant than true snapdragons. Here’s how to decide between snapdragon vs angelonia flowers for your garden.

Check out the top 10 stunning summer flowers that bloom nonstop.

Snapdragon Care

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Snaptastic Red snapdragon
  • Botanic name: Antirrhinum majus
  • Zones: 7 to 10
  • Type: Tender perennial or annual
  • Size: 6 to 36 inches tall
  • Blooms: Large, two-lipped flowers in a rainbow of colors, both solid and bicolored. Blooms from early summer to fall. May languish in hot weather.
  • Uses: Pollinator gardens, flower beds, borders and cutting gardens

Snaptastic Red snapdragons flower up to two weeks earlier than other varieties. These fast-growing annuals will fill out your containers quickly. Expect plenty of visits from pollinators.

Poppy vs anemone flowers: what’s the difference?

Angelonia Care

Ball Angelonia Archangel Ruby Sangria Bloom BloomBall Horticultural Company
Archangel Ruby Sangria angelonia
  • Botanic name: Angelonia angustifolia
  • Zones: 9 to 11
  • Type: Perennial
  • Size: 12 to 18 inches; cascading types spread outward and downward
  • Blooms: Large, two-lipped flowers with blue, pink, purple, white and variegated petals. Blooms from summer to fall.
  • Uses: Ideal for containers, borders and beds; cascading types are great in hanging baskets.

Grow Archangel Ruby Sangria angelonia for extra large dark red flowers, which stand in brilliant contrast to the deep dramatic foliage. This plant can handle any level of heat and humidity the summer throws at it.

Next, learn how to tell the difference between rhododendron vs azalea.
