When and Where to Plant Hyacinths

hyacinthCourtesy Christina Emfinger
Hyacinths and tulips
  • Common names: Hyacinth, Dutch hyacinth
  • Scientific name: Hyacinthus orientalis (hybrids)
  • Zones: 4 to 8
  • Light needs: Full sun
  • Soil: Well-draining soil
  • Size: 8 to 10 inches tall when flowering
  • Attracts: Bees and butterflies

Plant hyacinth flower bulbs in the fall for spring blooms in March and April. New bulbs will produce compact tubular florets with recurved petals, tightly packed on thick, rigid flower stems, about 8 to 10 inches high.

Choose from a wide range of colors. “They come in almost every color in the rainbow,” says Brent Heath. Brent is a third-generation bulb grower and co-owner with his wife, Becky, of Brent and Becky’s Bulbs, a flower bulb business in Virginia. “There are not many plant groups that have almost every color. Plus, some are more fragrant than others.” Because these flowers are relatively short, it is best to plant many along a walkway, near your front door or in large containers.

Bnbbyc19 Skip Tribby 1Courtesy Skip Tribby
Hyacinth flowers covered in a dusting of spring snow

Like tulip and daffodil bulbs, hyacinths need a chilling period to bloom. After the first frost, plant the bulbs in a well-draining area, in full sun, spaced 5 to 6 inches apart and 4 to 6 inches deep. The basal plate (the flat surface) is at the bottom and the pointy end is facing up.

Gardeners in zones 9 and higher can grow hyacinths if they chill the bulbs their fridge or purchase “pre-chilled” bulbs.

Note: The bulbs can cause skin irritations, so wear gloves when handling.

Forcing Hyacinths to Bloom Indoors

White hyacinthsAhlin, Ewa/Getty Images
Hyacinth glass forcing vases

It’s easy to force hyacinths to bloom indoors as long as you provide the required chilling period. “The fridge at 35 degrees is fine but don’t place (the bulbs) with fruits, especially apples,” says Brent. “Put the bulbs in a paper bag, do not put them in a plastic bag, and label. It takes at least 10 weeks in the fridge for hyacinths.”

Afterwards, pot up the bulbs in containers with drainage holes and potting mix, like a houseplant, spaced an inch apart and an inch below the surface. Or place each bulb in a clear glass on top of clean pebbles and add water. The bulbs should be on several inches of clean pebbles with the water line just below the bulbs.

Another option is a forcing vase, also called a hyacinth glass, which is made specifically for forcing hyacinths because the pinched neck holds one bulb above the water, eliminating the need for pebbles.

Place the containers in bright indirect light with typical indoor temperatures. Flowers should appear in three to four weeks.

Are Hyacinths Perennials?

Bnbbyc19 Alpha StephensCourtesy Alpha Stephens
Hyacinths are perennials that will rebloom.

After bulbs bloom in the garden, cut off the flower stalks and leave the foliage which will die back in the summer. After a forced bulb has bloomed, plant it in the garden after the last frost.

Hyacinths are perennial plants. However, as hyacinths get established in the garden, they may be a little shorter with fewer florets and more space between florets. They have a more casual appearance but still provide plenty of flower power in the spring.

Propagating Hyacinth Flower Bulbs

Hyacinth flower bulbs can be propagated through small offsets called bulblets. When the foliage dies back, dig up and pull apart the small bulbs from the mature bulb. Re-plant all of these but it will take up to five to six years for bulblets to mature enough to bloom.

“They do multiply on their own but the new baby bulbs won’t mature and flower for several years,” explains Brent.

To make even more offsets, dig up the mature bulb, and cut with a knife into and across the basal plate. Do not cut all the way through. Score the bottom into six wedges and then place in dry sand or soil in a warm place until offsets appear.

Pests and Diseases

Deer are not interested in hyacinths. While squirrels and chipmunks are known to dig up bulbs, they leave hyacinths alone. However, if you have planted hyacinths with other bulbs in a container, these critters may displace them. Sprinkle blood meal, chili pepper, or a commercial product especially formulated to prevent squirrels. Or cover with a wire mesh until spring.

Too much watering, overcrowding, and planting in soil that is not well draining can cause fungal diseases.

Next, get expert tips for growing grape hyacinth flowers.


About the Expert

Brent Heath is a third-generation bulb grower and co-owner with his wife, Becky, of Brent and Becky’s Bulbs, a wholesale/retail mail-order flower bulb business in Virginia. Brent is known worldwide for hybridizing daffodils and making them very popular in the landscape. He is equally knowledgeable about all bulbs. With his wife, Brent wrote a book on daffodils and a book on tulips, has given numerous presentations and workshops, and received numerous awards from various horticultural societies.