Add a sweet treat to your garden with chocolate cosmos flowers. Pollinators love these gorgeous blooms. Get expert growing tips.
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Add a sweet treat to your garden with chocolate cosmos flowers. Pollinators love these gorgeous blooms. Get expert growing tips.
Our editors and experts handpick every product we feature. We may earn a commission from your purchases.
Chocolate cosmos flowers sprout from tender tubers that can be grown as annuals or brought inside for winter in cold climates. They ultimately reach up to 30 inches tall, growing best in a sunny garden patch. These flowers bloom from midsummer into fall and are easy to care for.
Why we love it: This cosmos is a fabulous, guilt-free way to enjoy chocolate. The fragrance even smells like chocolate cake.
Here’s why cosmos flowers are beloved by bees and butterflies.
Chocolate cosmos typically produces little, if any, seed, and in the past was started from pieces of its fleshy tubers (underground stems). Many growers now use micropropagation, or tissue cultures, to create new plants, making them more available to gardeners. The cultivar choca mocha is a compact variety that typically performs well in containers. Instead of trying to harvest seeds, look for these plants at a reputable online source or local garden center.
Discover the 4 types of flower bulbs that gardeners should grow.
The lacy, ferny foliage is a delight to behold. This plant is attractive even when grown in lean, dry soils.
Bees and butterflies love this plant. For the ultimate pollinator-friendly garden, grow these flowers with bee balm, coneflower, black-eyed Susan and calamint.
Next, check out the top 15 easy flowers anyone can grow.