Did you know that amaryllis flowers produce seeds? Learn how to dry, save and grow amaryllis seeds for more holiday flowers.
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Did you know that amaryllis flowers produce seeds? Learn how to dry, save and grow amaryllis seeds for more holiday flowers.
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Almost every gardener has tried growing amaryllis bulbs during the holidays. These beautiful blooming houseplants make popular gardening gifts and add a needed pop of vibrant color to gray winter days. But did you know you can also grow amaryllis from seeds? It’s not difficult, but it does require plenty of time and patience to see results. Here’s what you need to know about amaryllis seeds.
“Our family gets Christmas amaryllises every year. For the first time, one of the plants got seedpods after the flowers were done. Are the seeds viable?” asks reader Bill Waldron of Clifton Heights, Pennsylvania.
Horticultural expert Melinda Myers says, “With patience and proper timing, you can grow new plants from these amaryllis seeds. Remove seeds from the pod when it turns yellow and starts to crack open. Allow the freshly collected amaryllis seeds to dry for several days before planting, or store the dried seeds in the refrigerator until you’re ready to plant.
Then plant them in clean containers with drainage holes filled with vermiculite or a sterile seed-starting mix. Leave the papery covering on the seeds intact, lay them on their sides and cover lightly, about 1/8 of an inch. Place the container in a warm location, about 70 to 75 degrees, and keep the planting mix moist.
Psst—here’s more essential information that you need about starting seeds indoors.
Melinda continues, “The seeds should germinate within four to six weeks. Amaryllis seedlings will look like a young chive plant or like grass. Move them to a sunny location or place them under artificial lights as soon as any greenery appears. Be patient, as it can take as long as four or five years for the plants to reach maturity and start producing flowers.”
In the meantime, try growing another easy-care holiday houseplant, such as a Christmas cactus.
Next, learn how to care for poinsettias now and after the holidays.