Birding Basics

Thinking of taking up birding as a hobby? These birding basics and tips on birding for beginners will get you started.

Bird Anatomy 101: From Bird Beaks to Bird Feet

From their feathers to feet, learn more about the major features of bird anatomy and what makes these fascinating animals...

Why Do Birds Flock Together in Winter?

Discover why some birds flock together with other species during winter and learn how to spot mixed flock behavior for...

Ask the Experts: What is the Plural of Titmouse?

Is it titmice or titmouses? What is the correct plural of titmouse? Learn what to say if you see a...

Birdwatching Gear and Supplies You Never Knew You Needed

Go beyond binoculars and field guides and ramp up your game with the coolest new bird watching gear and birding...

Cheap Ways to Attract More Birds on a Budget

Save money on your favorite hobby with these cheap ways to attract more birds Get creative to make budget feeders...

12 Owl Shirts Every Bird Fan Should Own

Who doesn't love owls? You're sure to find the right fit for you in this unique selection of owl shirts.

The Blue Jay Range Is Expanding Westward

Blue jays are backyard fixtures in the East, but find out why these adaptive birds are on the move.

Tips to Prevent Bird Strikes on Windows at Home

We know sometimes birds hit windows, and it's much worse during migration. Here are a few simple things you can...

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Leucistic Bird vs Albino Bird: Learn the Difference

White-feathered birds are special. Discover facts about albino birds and leucistic birds and how their unique appearance affects them.

Swallows Nest Types and Nesting Habits

Swallows spend much of their time flying. Learn the birding basics of where to find a swallows nest. Plus learn...

Black Birders Week Is Back in 2024

Black Birders Week is a weeklong event that celebrates the diversity of bird-watchers and nature lovers. Here's how to participate.

Do Wren Sightings Have Special Meaning?

Wrens aren't flashy, but they're definitely beloved by birders. We chatted with our field editors about the meaning their wren...

How Do American Robins Find Worms?

American robins wake up early to eat breakfast — but how do robins find worms in the ground? We chatted...

Wren vs Sparrow: What Bird Are You Seeing?

Some small brown birds are hard to identify in the backyard. Learn how to tell the difference between a wren...

House Wren vs Carolina Wren: ID Challenge

It's easy to get confused when identifying a house wren vs a Carolina wren. Learn what the birds look like,...

Do American Robins Mate For Life?

Lifelong love, or just soulmates for a season? Here's all you need to know about whether American robins mate for...

Bird Flu: Should You Take Down Your Feeders?

Will avian influenza affect backyard birds? Find out if you need to take down feeders, plus learn bird flu symptoms...

If You See a Robin Bird, Here’s What It Means

What is the significance of seeing a robin in your yard? We discuss the robin bird meaning and how robins...

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Do Robins Migrate and Fly South in Winter?

Do robins migrate south and come back in spring? Find out where robins go in winter and why you're not...

The Ultimate Bird Watcher Guide for Every Season

Watching birds brings new excitement every day throughout the year. Get our bird watcher checklists for season by season.

17 Types of Sparrow Birds That You Should Know

Think telling sparrows apart is just not worth the effort? Our tips might change your mind. Identify sparrows by habitat,...

Amazing Bird Migration Secrets Revealed

There’s more to bird migration patterns than meets the eye. Learn when and how birds migrate and discover which species...

What Does It Mean When You See a Bluebird?

Are bluebirds really symbols of happiness? Discover the many meanings behind bluebird sightings in your backyard.

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8 Ways to Ensure a Bird-Safe Backyard

Keep your feathered friends healthy and happy with clean bird feeders, fresh birdseed and a natural yard free of pesticides.

Grab Your Binoculars and Join the Great Backyard Bird Count

Connect with nature by participating in the season's most anticipated event: The Great Backyard Bird Count. It's easy to join,...

The Essential Guide to Rendering Suet for Birds

Whip up DIY suet cakes yourself! It's easy (and cheap!) Learn the do's and don'ts of rendering beef suet for...

Pine Siskin vs Goldfinch: How to Tell the Difference

Pine siskins are small birds in the finch family that look like sparrows. Learn how to tell the difference between...

Junco vs Chickadee: Here’s How to Tell the Difference

Here's how to tell the difference between a junco vs a chickadee, two beloved small songbirds with similar black and...

Baltimore Oriole Migration: Do Orioles Migrate?

Learn about Baltimore oriole migration and find out if it is it normal to see a Baltimore oriole visit bird...