What's that whistling noise coming from mourning doves in flight? We explain how mourning dove feathers and wings make a high-pitched sound.
Do Mourning Dove Feathers and Wings Make Noise?
![Mouring Dove flying](https://preprod.birdsandblooms.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/GettyImages-1211222134.jpg?fit=700,467)
It’s no secret that mourning doves, for all their beauty, aren’t the most graceful fliers in the bird world. They always look a little off kilter, like they can’t quite find their balance in the air. And what’s with the high-pitched noise they make when they fly? It might surprise you to know that whistling sound comes from mourning dove feathers. Here’s how it works.
Become a mourning dove expert with these fascinating facts about mourning doves.
Mourning Dove Feathers Make “Wing Whistles”
![mourning dove feathers](https://preprod.birdsandblooms.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/GettyImages-516268988.jpg?fit=700,467)
That’s right—the squeaky noise isn’t the bird chirping! The sound you hear when a mourning dove flies comes from special feathers on its wings. The noise is called “wing whistles,” and it occurs when air rushes through those feathers and causes them to vibrate. Because mourning doves don’t have varying calls, mourning dove wing whistling serves an important purpose. It allows the birds to convey urgency and danger to the rest of their flock.
Psst—mourning doves are the fastest nest builders! Learn all about dove nesting habits and what baby mourning doves and eggs look like.
Wing Whistles Help Other Birds
![mourning doves in flight](https://preprod.birdsandblooms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/mourningdove_Barbara-Rutledge.jpg?fit=1024,683)
Scientists have proven that other birds respond to wing whistles. They recorded the sound of crested pigeons—a mourning dove relative—flying normally, as well as fleeing in fright. When they played those recordings for other pigeons, the scientists discovered the birds paid no mind to the “normal” flying-away sounds. But when they heard the alarmed wing whistles, they took off. Other species of birds use the noise as a signal, too.
While wing whistles might sound odd to us humans, they serve an important purpose. When the bird takes off in alarm and mourning dove feathers sing their song, it signals to other birds in the vicinity that danger is near. Those birds then know to head for cover or be on the lookout for predators.
Next, learn how to identify a white-winged dove.