Birding Basics

Thinking of taking up birding as a hobby? These birding basics and tips on birding for beginners will get you started.

New Jersey Takes Bald Eagles off Endangered List

From one remaining nest to more than 200, learn how endangered bald eagles bounced back to soar again in New Jersey.

Why Would a Bird Take a Dust Bath in Dirt?

'Dust bathing' is a documented phenomenon among birds. Here's why scientists think they do it — and how to add...

Meet the 2025 ABA Bird of the Year

The American Birding Association has chosen its Bird of the Year for 2025 — and it's a symbol of the...

15 Bizarre and Surprising Bird Facts You Should Know

Get ready to be surprised! From details about migration to who wins at backyard feeders, these bird facts are sure...

The Most Common Birds Found in North America

Rare birds get a lot of attention from birders, but common birds are important, too! Discover North America’s most abundant...

If You See a Bald Bird at Your Feeder, This Is Why

Why is there a bald bird in my backyard? Is the bird injured or sick? An expert explains why, in...

A Blue Jay Feather Isn’t Really Blue — Here’s Why

What's in a blue jay feather? As it turns out, less color than you'd think. We asked an expert to...

5 Surprising Ways That Birds Migrate

Birds approach the challenges of migration in surprising ways. Learn how some birds migrate by walking, swimming or taking the...

Do Birds Pee? The Science of Bird Poop

Have you ever wondered if birds pee and why bird poop is white? We asked an expert to break down...

Bird Senses: Can Birds Smell or Taste Their Food?

Birders often wonder can birds smell and do birds have taste buds? Discover why some birds can taste and smell—but...

Fun Collective Nouns for Animals You Should Know

From a parliament of owls to a flamboyance of flamingos, discover a variety of fun collective nouns for animals.

Irruption: A Sudden Surge of New Birds in Town

Irruptions bring surprise visitors from the far north to your feeders—an opportunity to witness one of birding’s great mysteries. Here...

Meet the 3 Types of Goldfinches in the United States

There are three types of goldfinches that U.S. birders might see. Learn what these goldfinch species look like and where...

True Colors: Decoding Bird Plumage

Brilliantly colored bird feathers serve many purposes. Learn how bird plumage protects and helps wild birds.

The Best Dad Birds and How They Help out Around the Nest

Celebrate the hardest-working male birds out there! These great dad birds don't fly away when the chicks hatch.

Meet the Backyard Birds With a Bad Reputation

Rethink your stance on the bad birds in your backyard by learning some birding basics about their behavior and personalities.

Western Birds and Their Eastern Counterparts

Many western birds look somewhat familiar to eastern birders. Take a look at some common western birds and their eastern...

Brown Thrasher: An Elusive, Musical Songbird

The brown thrasher is an excellent mimic and sings more than 1,000 tunes. Learn how to spot these secretive songbirds.

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Hummingbird Food: Sugar Water for Hummingbirds 101

Learn how to make sugar water for hummingbirds. Get the hummingbird sugar water recipe and ratio to make your own...

Birds That Sing at Night: A Little Night Music

We all hear birds that sing during the day, but what about birds that sing at night? Here's why some...

Bird Molting: Why Birds Molt and How to Spot It

Feather refresh in progress! Learn about bird molting and why the color change is more obvious on some molting birds...

How to Identify a Little Blue Heron

Learn what a little blue heron looks like, sounds like and where to spot one. Also find out what these...

Is This White Bird an Albino Crow?

A white-feathered bird stands out from its flock—but is it an albino crow? Learn about what causes variations in a...

Boost Your Mental Health With Bird-watching

Learn about the science behind why observing backyard birds can both support your mental health and create a needed reset...

16 Fascinating Facts About Bird Sounds

Whether it's a chirp, a trill or a song, it's quite the thrill to hear the amazing sounds birds make....

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Help a Stunned Bird That Flew Into a Window

If you find a bird that flew into a window, it's important to know how to help the stunned bird...

7 Fascinating Wild Turkey Bird Facts You Should Know

Gobble up interesting tidbits about the wild turkey bird, including how fast wild turkeys can fly and if turkeys hold...

Cooperative Behavior: How Birds Help Each Other

Some types of birds work as a team for survival, nest building, and feeding. Learn more about cooperative bird behavior.

All About Bird Songs: Nature’s Symphony

Learn the difference between bird songs and calls, and find out how birds learn to sing their distinctive, notable sounds.

Why Is a Bird Pecking at My Window and Car Mirror?

Experts explain why a bird is pecking at its reflection in a window or mirror and how you can stop...

Fancy Footwork: All About Bird Feet

Birds can fly, but they also perch, run, swim and more. Walk this way and learn why bird feet and...