How to Identify a European Starling
European starlings are often scorned by bird-watchers for their aggressive behavior. But there's more to these colorful birds than you know.
Identify and Attract a Summer Tanager
Seeing—or hearing—a summer tanager is a red-letter day. Summer tanagers may be bright red—but that doesn’t always make them easy...
How to Identify an Orchard Oriole
Attract a nectar-loving orchard oriole to your yard with fruit. Learn their range, favorite foods, and what the male and...
How to Identify a Bullock’s Oriole
Spot a Bullock's oriole in the western U.S. during breeding season. Learn what the males and females look like and...
Meet 8 Types of Orioles to Look for Across America
Get to know eight types of orioles seen throughout the U.S. and what makes each of these orange and yellow...
Brown-Headed Cowbird: Most Hated Bird in America
Learn why the brown-headed cowbird is many birders' least favorite—and how to tell cowbird eggs apart from those of other...
Summer Tanager vs Scarlet Tanager: ID Challenge
It's undoubtedly a tricky ID for birders: summer tanager vs scarlet tanager. Here's how to tell these bright red songbirds...
Female Cowbird: Notorious Nest Invaders
A female cowbird is a dull looking bird with plain plumage that is easy to miss in the backyard. But...
Meet the Western Tanager
See what a male and female western tanager looks like and hear its song. Western tanagers migrate through valleys, plains,...
5 Types of Tanagers Birders Should Know
Meet the five types of tanagers you might see in North America. Learn to identify tanager birds and how to...
Yellow Tanager: Birding ID Challenge
Most tanagers are red. But you might be surprised to see a yellow tanager. Find out how to figure out...
Bullies or Beauties? All About Grackle Birds
Grackles are large blackbirds that have a reputation as bullies at feeders. There are three types of grackle birds to...
5 Types of Blackbirds You Should Know
Not all birds in the blackbird family are the same. Learn about five types of blackbirds you might see across...
All About Flame-Colored and Hepatic Tanagers
Birders can spot the vibrant hepatic tanager and flame-colored tanager in the southwestern states—if you know where to look.
How to Identify a Baltimore Oriole Bird
Learn what a male and female Baltimore oriole bird looks like. This orange songbird is a welcome spring visitor in...