Blackbirds, Orioles and Tanagers

Get tips on how to attract and identify blackbirds, orioles and tanagers. Learn where you can see these birds and how to bring them to your yard.

How to Identify a European Starling

European starlings are often scorned by bird-watchers for their aggressive behavior. But there's more to these colorful birds than you know.

Identify and Attract a Summer Tanager

Seeing—or hearing—a summer tanager is a red-letter day. Summer tanagers may be bright red—but that doesn’t always make them easy...

How to Identify an Orchard Oriole

Attract a nectar-loving orchard oriole to your yard with fruit. Learn their range, favorite foods, and what the male and...

How to Identify a Bullock’s Oriole

Spot a Bullock's oriole in the western U.S. during breeding season. Learn what the males and females look like and...

Meet 8 Types of Orioles to Look for Across America

Get to know eight types of orioles seen throughout the U.S. and what makes each of these orange and yellow...

Brown-Headed Cowbird: Most Hated Bird in America

Learn why the brown-headed cowbird is many birders' least favorite—and how to tell cowbird eggs apart from those of other...

Summer Tanager vs Scarlet Tanager: ID Challenge

It's undoubtedly a tricky ID for birders: summer tanager vs scarlet tanager. Here's how to tell these bright red songbirds...

Female Cowbird: Notorious Nest Invaders

A female cowbird is a dull looking bird with plain plumage that is easy to miss in the backyard. But...

Meet the Western Tanager

See what a male and female western tanager looks like and hear its song. Western tanagers migrate through valleys, plains,...

5 Types of Tanagers Birders Should Know

Meet the five types of tanagers you might see in North America. Learn to identify tanager birds and how to...

Yellow Tanager: Birding ID Challenge

Most tanagers are red. But you might be surprised to see a yellow tanager. Find out how to figure out...

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Bullies or Beauties? All About Grackle Birds

Grackles are large blackbirds that have a reputation as bullies at feeders. There are three types of grackle birds to...

5 Types of Blackbirds You Should Know

Not all birds in the blackbird family are the same. Learn about five types of blackbirds you might see across...

All About Flame-Colored and Hepatic Tanagers

Birders can spot the vibrant hepatic tanager and flame-colored tanager in the southwestern states—if you know where to look.

How to Identify a Baltimore Oriole Bird

Learn what a male and female Baltimore oriole bird looks like. This orange songbird is a welcome spring visitor in...