Mute Swans Mate for Life

Two White Swans In A Heart Shape SymbolJohn Scott/Getty Images
These mute swans are likely paired for life.

A mute swan typically has only one mate in its lifetime. Pairs usually don’t break up, often only seeking a new partner if their mate dies.

Three Swan Species Live in North America

Trumpeter SwanBirdImages/Getty Images
Trumpeter swans are native to North America.

Only three species of swans nest in North America: the trumpeter swan, the mute swan and the tundra swan (sometimes known as the whistling swan).

Trumpeter Swans Almost Went Extinct

swans Marlon Porter Bnb Bypc2020.jpegCourtesy Marlon Porter
Baby trumpeter swans

Trumpeter swans almost went extinct during the early 1900s—fewer than 100 were in the Lower 48 at one point. Dedicated conservation work in recent decades has brought their numbers back up into the thousands.

Non-native Mute Swans Came From Europe

baby mute swanCourtesy Elisa Shaw
Mute swan and cygnet

Europeans brought mute swans to North America during the late 1800s and early 1900s. They valued swans for the elegance the birds added to parks, ponds and lakes. It spread mostly in the Northeast, mid-Atlantic and Great Lakes regions. Tell it apart from native tundra and trumpeter swans by its orange bill with a black knob.

Diet: What Foods Do Swans Eat?

249914260 1 Raven Ouellette Bnb Bypc2020Courtesy Raven Ouellette
Swans primarily feed on plants.

Mute swans have a big appetite—one study found that they can eat up to 8 pounds of food per day! Swans primarily eat water plants and may graze on short grass. They also occasionally eat invertebrates and insects. Avoid feeding swans bread or crackers.

The Swan Lake Ballet Was Unpopular at First

Swan Lake, the first ballet written by the famous composer Tchaikovsky, premiered in 1877. Now beloved by ballet fans, it was considered a failure initially.

Next, check out 20 types of ducks birders should know.
