What Does a White-Crowned Sparrow Look Like?

white crowned sparrowCourtesy Rebecca Granger
Bold black-and-white head stripes are a white-crowned sparrow’s best and most distinguishable feature.

You see a flutter near your feeder and sneak a peek. Oh, it’s just a house sparrow. But wait! Maybe you should take a closer look. You might be in the presence of avian royalty: The white-crowned sparrow.

While white-crowned sparrows may look ordinary at first glance, their black-and-white-adorned heads, gray breasts and orange-colored bills let you know that these birds are something special. Males and females look the same, while friendly juvenile white-crowneds feature bold nutmeg brown stripes on top of their heads. Those stripes typically turn black and white the following spring, when the bird is almost a year old.

A sparrow’s stout conical bill makes it the perfect tool for cracking seeds. According to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, white-crowned sparrows that breed along the Pacific Coast have yellow bills, while those that breed from Alaska to Hudson Bay sport orange. Birds that breed east of Hudson Bay and in the Rockies boast a pretty pink bill.

A look-alike, the white-throated sparrow, has a yellow spot in front of each eye.

Range and Migration

white crowned sparrowCourtesy Caleb Schmucker
White-crowned sparrows spend summer in the far north.

Some of these handsome birds spend their summers on the tundra or in the alpine meadows and boreal forests of Canada and Alaska. For many living in the United States, their winter appearances are considered something special.

“Over most of the country, white-crowned sparrows are winter visitors, appearing between September and April,” says Dr. Emma Greig, head of Project FeederWatch. “In the Northwest, they can be seen throughout the year. In areas through which they migrate—the Northeast and northern Midwest—people see them pass through in spring and then again in fall.”

What Does a White-Crowned Sparrow Eat?

white-crowned sparrowCourtesy Joan Sparks
White-crowned sparrows are seed eaters

A white-crowned’s year-round diet consists mostly of seeds and plant material. But once nesting season rolls around, they add insects into the mix. Nesting sparrows like to dine on and feed their hatchlings a variety of insects, such as caterpillars, wasps and beetles, that they sometimes catch in midair!

"Like other sparrows, white-crowneds enjoy a good brush pile, which offers cover and insects to small birds."

In winter, these sparrows travel in flocks and are normally seen hopping through brush near open and overgrown fields or along low branches, where they forage for weed and grass seeds.

“White-crowned sparrows have a funny foraging behavior,” Emma says. “They do a backwards scratch with both feet and then a forward hop towards whatever they’ve unearthed. It’s a behavior that may be familiar because towhees, another ground forager, do it as well. When they do this in dry leaves, they can sound much larger than they really are.”

Coaxing these foraging flocks to your backyard is easy. “White-crowned sparrows eat sunflower seeds, millet and cracked corn,” Emma says. “They prefer to eat on the ground, so scatter seeds there or offer seeds on a platform feeder.”

Wild White Crowned SparrowDave Welling
White-crowned sparrow perched in dry grasses at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico.

Emma also adds, “Like other sparrows, white-crowneds enjoy a good brush pile, which offers cover and insects to small birds.”

Nest and Eggs

Pairs often lay three to seven heavily spotted eggs that range from creamy white to green-blue in hue. Nests are made from moss, bark, pine needles, twigs and grasses, and then lined with fine grass, animal hair and feathers. Females are the sole incubators, sitting on the nest for about two weeks until the eggs hatch.

Discover fascinating sparrow facts you should know.

White-Crowned Sparrow Song

Bird songs courtesy of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Be sure to keep an ear out for the clear, sweet whistle of the male white-crowned sparrow song (females also sing, but less so) in winter—a time when many other songbirds have stopped singing.

Listen for differences in the songs. This species is famous for developing regional “dialects.” The singers you hear may have picked up their tunes from white crowneds in a completely different area.

Next, learn how to identify a chipping sparrow.

About the Expert

Emma Greig is the project leader of Project FeederWatch, a citizen science program, for the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Emma holds a Ph. D. from the University of Chicago and previously was a postdoctoral associate in Macaulay Library.
