What Does a Lincoln’s Sparrow Look Like?

A striped Lincoln's sparrow hops along the ground.Colleen Gibbs
A striped Lincoln’s sparrow hops along the ground.

Birds & Blooms reader Colleen Gibbs of Coon Rapids, Minnesota, wrote to birding experts Kenn and Kimberly Kaufman after seeing a mysterious sparrow in her yard. They explained how to identify a Lincoln’s sparrow. Colleen says of the new visitor, “This bird is similar to several other types of sparrows, but it doesn’t seem to match any exactly. What is it?”

Kenn and Kimberly say, “With a beautiful, clear photo such as yours, we have plenty of clues to check. This bird is a Lincoln’s sparrow, an uncommon species in your area that is often shy. Its colors are helpful for checking its identity: The face is mostly gray, with reddish brown stripes along the sides of the crown, a buff mustache mark and a narrow buff eye ring. The chest is also buff with narrow black streaks.”

Learn how to identify and attract a chipping sparrow.

Similar Species

Kenn and Kimberly say, “The bold black spot on the (Lincoln’s sparrow’s) chest might be confusing since that’s sometimes considered a field mark specifically for song sparrows, but actually many other sparrows can show that mark.”

Lincoln’s Sparrow Range

Lincoln’s sparrows can be seen in most areas of the United States and Canada, but can be very uncommon depending on the location and time of year. They are less frequently spotted in the eastern U.S.

In summer, these sparrows breed in Canada, the far north, and parts of the mountain west. For a larger chunk of the U.S., the Lincoln’s can be spotted during spring and fall migration.

Look for them in winter in the south, from Florida to Texas, west to Southern California, along the Pacific coast, and in Mexico. Some birds stay as far north as Arkansas, Oklahoma and Missouri.

They travel in mixed flocks during migration, so keep your binoculars handy in spring and fall.

Diet: What Does a Lincoln’s Sparrow Eat?

Lincoln's SparrowLarry Keller, Lititz Pa./Getty Images
The Lincoln’s sparrow often stays hidden under thick cover but can be distinguished by its song.

These small, striped ground-foraging birds spend a good portion of their time in dense cover. To attract them to your backyard, plant plenty of shrubs and trees. The branches offer the security that the sparrows need. Also, native plants encourage healthy insect populations for the sparrows to gobble up. Grow seed-bearing plants for these sparrows to feed on during winter.

Next, learn how to identify a white throated sparrow and an American tree sparrow.

Lincoln’s Sparrow Song and Call

Bird sounds courtesy of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology 

Male Lincoln’s sparrows have a very musical song. It’s a rich mix of trills and buzzy notes and lasts for about two seconds. Both males and females belt out a tinny high-pitched call and a series of chips.

About the Experts

Kenn and Kimberly Kaufman are the official bird experts for Birds & Blooms. They are the creators of the Kaufman Field Guide series and they lead birding trips all over the world.
