16 Super Sweet Baby Swallow Pictures
There's nothing cuter than a baby swallow — except multiple baby swallows! Check out our collection of too-cute photos of...
How to Identify a Violet-Green Swallow
The violet-green swallow is a shiny green flier that swoops and soars in the West. Discover where to find them,...
How to Identify a Pileated Woodpecker
The red crowned pileated woodpecker is the largest woodpecker in North America. Learn about their call and sound, size and...
10 Fascinating Barn Swallow Facts
From symbolism to bug catching abilities, there's a lot to learn about a barn swallow. Learn about their nests, songs,...
8 Types of Swallow Birds You Should Know
From purple martins to barn swallows, find out how to spot and identify 8 members of the swallow bird family...
Cliff Swallow vs Barn Swallow: Spot the Differences
Learn how to look for the differences between a cliff swallow vs a barn swallow, two similar birds that are...
The Most Musical Songbirds in America
Bird songs are beautiful and melodic. Discover why you should be listening as well as looking for these musical types...
Identify and Attract a Purple Martin
Purple martin birds nest in colonies of six to eight pairs or more. Learn what these swallows look like, what...
What Does a Carolina Wren Call Sound Like?
Even if you don't see a Carolina wren, you might hear one. Learn what a Carolina wren call sounds like...
How to Identify a Bewick’s Wren
Find out what a Bewick's wren looks like and where you can spot one. Plus find out how to attract...
Yellow Tanager: Birding ID Challenge
Most tanagers are red. But you might be surprised to see a yellow tanager. Find out how to figure out...
How to Identify a Cactus Wren
Find out what a cactus wren looks like, what this desert bird eats and where to see one. Also find...
House Wren vs Carolina Wren: ID Challenge
It's easy to get confused when identifying a house wren vs a Carolina wren. Learn what the birds look like,...
Identify and Attract a Carolina Wren
The Carolina wren is common in southeastern woods, where its song is heard even in winter. Learn about their nests...
Attract and Identify a Northern House Wren
The northern house wren is a plain songbird, but its bubbling songs and nonstop activity make this cavity nester a...
All About the American Robin
An American robin, with its bright red breast, is a common backyard bird. Learn what a robin looks like, sounds...
33 Pictures of Warblers That Will Make You Want to Go Birding
Enjoy splendid pictures of warblers, from yellow to black-and-white. Look for these small bright fliers during spring and fall migration.
How to Attract and Identify a Purple Finch
Attracting a purple finch is easy with the right food, but identifying one can be tricky! Here's how to spot...
How to Identify and Attract a Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
Look for a ruby-throated hummingbird in eastern states in summer. See what males and females look like and learn how...
20 Stunning Warblers to Look for in Spring
Warblers are colorful and awe-inspiring birds. Of all the types of warbler birds in North America, these deserve special attention.
6 Beautiful Bunting Bird Species You Should Know
Colorful bunting bird species stand out in a crowd. Learn where to find 6 types of buntings and the field...
When Will House Wrens Return in Spring?
Do wrens migrate? Although not as flashy as an oriole or hummingbird, many people are excited to see house wrens...
20 Pictures That Will Change How You Look at Sparrows
From sparrows in winter to sweet baby sparrows, these sparrow pictures prove there is much to appreciate about these energetic,...
What Foods, How Often and How Much Do Hummingbirds Eat?
Birding experts discuss what do hummingbirds eat—and how often they eat it! A hummingbird's diet includes more foods than you...
17 Types of Sparrow Birds That You Should Know
Think telling sparrows apart is just not worth the effort? Our tips might change your mind. Identify sparrows by habitat,...
Meet the Towhee Birds Scratching up a Storm
Look down! That noise under your shrubs is a shy, ground-feeding towhee in search of its next meal.
How to Identify a Song Sparrow
Learn what a song sparrow looks like and sounds like. Plus learn about their nests and eggs, range map and...
How to Identify and Attract a Tree Swallow
Learn how to identify a male and female tree swallow. Find out about their nests, song, range map and what...
What Do Juncos Eat and How to Attract Them
Flocks of juncos arrive with cold snowy weather. Learn the best foods to offer at feeders and plants to grow...