248414785 1 Ron Newhouse Bnbhc20Courtesy Ron Newhouse

Rufous Hummingbird

Rufous hummingbirds are little flying sunsets! These tiny hummingbirds in Colorado are known for being quite territorial, so other flying jewels might have a tricky time accessing your feeders if a rufous moves in. (If you’re dealing with a territorial hummingbird, here are some tips to try.)

If you’re concerned about a rufous hummingbird taking over your yard, you might be happy to hear that they only pass through Colorado during migration. The western half of the state gets to see them during that time.

Learn how to identify an Allen’s hummingbird.

248121561 1 Kristin Mobley Bnbhc20, hummingbirds in coloradoCourtesy Kristin Mobley

Broad-Tailed Hummingbird

These cute little fliers make their way to most of the western half of Colorado and stay there for breeding season. A small section of the state in the north might see them at that time as well, although those sightings are uncommon.

You can recognize a broad-tailed hummingbird by their pink-red gorget and shiny green feathers. While at first they might appear similar to the ruby-throated hummingbird, note that their ranges don’t overlap. If you see a bird that looks like a ruby-throat in western Colorado, it’s a broad-tailed hummingbird!

Find out which hummingbirds you can spot in California.

278147837 1 Joanne Crawford Bnb Bypc 2021, hummingbirds in coloradoCourtesy Joanne Crawford

Black-Chinned Hummingbird

Black-chinned hummingbirds spend summer in the western half of Colorado, although they’re uncommonly spotted farther east. They’ll come to sugar water feeders in backyards, so if you’re looking to bring one to your yard, you’ll want to make sure you’re choosing the best hummingbird feeder—and keeping it clean. If you’re really lucky, one might even nest in your backyard.

It’s not too difficult to recognize a black-chinned hummingbird. Their dark-colored gorgets, which look purple in the right lighting, give them away. Their backs are a dullish green.

Hummingbird, Calliope, ArizonaTom Walker/Getty Images

Calliope Hummingbird

Don’t expect to see a Calliope hummingbird every year when migration season rolls around. Technically, they don’t have a range in Colorado. That said, they can wind up in the state as they move north to their breeding grounds in the Pacific northwest, or south for the winter.

You’ll know if you’ve spotted one—although you might have to squint. Calliope hummingbirds are the smallest bird in North America! Adult males have a pink gorget and iridescent green backs, with a white breast.

When you’re done learning about Colorado hummingbirds, discover the delightful hummingbirds of Arizona.