Bald Eagles Build Huge Nests

bald eagle nestCourtesy Tonya Sharp
Bald eagle nest in Lake George, Colorado

Large birds like eagles need large nests! Bald eagle nests are about 5 to 6 feet in diameter and 2 to 4 feet tall. If the tree is strong enough, they will use the same nest again and again, adding new materials each year, so some nests can be enormous.

Take a look at stunning and inspiring photos of bald eagles.

Eagles Are No Longer Endangered

Bald Eagle In Autumn, Park Rapids MinnesotaCourtesy Debbie Center
The bald eagle population has recovered from dangerously low numbers.

During the 1970s, bald eagles were seriously endangered. They’ve since made a remarkable comeback and in 2007, were removed from the Federal Endangered Species list.

Learn the story behind the rescue of a special bald eagle.

The Bald Eagle Is the National Emblem

Bnbbyc16 Troy Marcy 001 (1)Courtesy Troy Marcy
Eagles look powerful and majestic while soaring in the sky.

The bald eagle has been the national emblem of the United States since 1782. It was chosen for its majestic appearance and representation of freedom and strength. A bipartisan bill to officially make the bald eagle the National Bird is on track to be signed into law by President Joe Biden after passing through Congress. The bill had support from the National Eagle Center.

Eagle Eyes Are Powerful

Juvenile Bald Eagle In Springtime By Kentucky Lake In Western Kentucky, Usa.Courtesy Roberta Moller
Closeup of a juvenile bald eagle

When it comes to sight, eagles have two centers of focus. This gives them the ability to see forward and to the side simultaneously.

Meet the types of hawks you should know.

Bald Eagle Top Speed

Bnbbyc17 Joel ReihmanCourtesy Joel Reihman
Bald eagle in flight while carrying a fish

While on the hunt for prey, eagles can dive up to 100 miles per hour. But in regular flight, they can travel about 30 miles per hour. Check out their expansive wings and their ability to soar.

What Do Bald Eagles Eat?

bald eagle and turkey vultureCourtesy Theresa Baldwin
Bald eagle faces off with a turkey vulture looking for a meal

These birds of prey are hunters and scavengers, feeding on fish, small animals and carrion.

Discover the fastest birds in North America.

Bald Eagle Live Nest Cams

Eagle nest cams are extremely popular, with thousands of people tuning in daily. One of our favorites is in Hanover, Pennsylvania: Check it out!

Male Vs. Female Bald Eagles

bald eagle in a treeCourtesy Teri Quintal
Female bald eagles are typically larger than males.

“While out on a hike, I saw this beautiful bald eagle perched on a broken tree. Is it male or female, and how can you tell the difference?” asks Birds & Blooms reader Teri Quintal.

Birding experts Kenn and Kimberly Kaufman say, “Bald eagles show a lot of variation in color pattern, but it’s all related to age. Juveniles are dark brown all over at first, and they go through various stages, with different mixes of brown and white, as they mature. It takes four or five years for them to reach the fully white-headed, white-tailed look of adults.

But males and females look the same, except for size. Females are larger on average, and you can see the difference if you see a mated pair perched close together.”

Learn how to identify a golden eagle.