If you’ve ever been torn between the desire to tidy up the dead seed heads of summer blooms and leaving a good food source for birds, then this project is perfect. It will give you and the birds the best of both worlds! Just collect your spent blooms and turn them into an attractive DIY bird feeder wreath.

DIY Bird Feeder Wreath Materials


  • Splatter screen or window screen
  • Rope or twine
  • Grapevine wreath
  • Assorted seed heads

How to Make a DIY Bird Feeder Wreath:

Step 1

You can use just about any kind of screen for this project as long as it provides good drainage and the holes aren’t too big. (I used a spatter screen, but a window screen would work.) Cut to fit in the middle of your wreath and remove everything else that could potentially get in the way.

Step 2

Cut the twine or rope into three lengths, about 48 in. each. Tie at evenly spaced intervals around the wreath.

Step 3

Flip the wreath over on your work surface and place the screen on the back of the wreath. Thread a length of wire through the screen near the edge and then around a sturdy vine in the wreath, twisting the ends together to secure. Do this at three or four intervals or until screen is tight.

Step 4

Flip the wreath back onto its right side, and begin tucking the seed heads in among the vines. Continue until the wreath is covered. Fill the middle with your favorite birdseed and hang! Next, learn how to make a DIY bird seed wreath.